Saturday, July 2, 2011

Spicy Black Bean and Adobo Beef "Deadeye" Burritos

Black Beans
Mexican or spicy tomato sauce (El Pato is good and common)
Ground beef
Canned chipotle peppers in adobo sauce
Flour tortillas
Salsa con queso
Chili powder
Garlic powder
Whatever the fuck else you want (tomatoes and sour cream, for instance)

Back in December, I posted what was essentially a recipe for a black bean burrito filling that makes the best bean and cheese burritos you'll ever shove into your face, all for under four dollars. I said at the time that you can add other stuff later. Well, welcome to later. To make Mexican Standoff Burritos into Deadeye burritos, all we need to add is some ground beef and a sexy mistress called adobo. But first...

What the fuck is a chipotle pepper, exactly?
Chipotles are extremely fucking popular right now, but you might be surprised to learn that there's really no such thing as a chipotle pepper, at least not in the same sense as a habanero, poblao, or jalapeño that you can pick off of a vine. Chipotle peppers are actually jalapeño peppers that have been over ripened, dried, and smoked; a method perfected in Northern Mexico. This process jacks up the heat and gives it that signature smoky flavor. Oh, and it's pronounced [chi-PO-tlay], not whatever the fuck you idiots have been calling it.


1. Prepare the black bean and tomato sauce mixture as directed in the Mexican standoff burritos recipe. You can let the beans soften while you complete the rest of the recipe, so all you have to do is smash and serve.

2. Brown up a pound of ground beef, seasoned with cumin, garlic powder, chili powder, and salt. Drain thoroughly.

3. Open your can of chipotle peppers in adobo sauce. We're actually not really interested in the peppers themselves... what we've come for is the adobo. Adobo is a sauce originally used to preserve foods is Mexico before the advent of refrigeration. It's made with paprika, salt, vinegar, garlic, a variety of peppers, and a touch of brown sugar. It's very spicy, but the heat is even and clean with very little burn (think "curry" hot not "suicide buffalo wings" hot). This stuff tastes so good your mouth with actively try to fuck the rest of your face in appreciation. Use a fork to pick out the whole peppers and set them aside. Be sure to scrape the remaining adobo off of them.

If you want, you can dice up one of the chipotle peppers and add it in with the adobo to increase the heat. I suggest doing this only if you like really spicy food and aren't a pansy-ass Nancy.

Return your drained ground beef to the pan and add all of the adobo. One can will be plenty to coat the meat. Toss it well and let it get all warm and acquainted.

4. You now have your adobo-infused ground beef and spicy black bean filling.

Prep your burrito shells as instructed in the Mexican standoff burrito recipe. Add a nice smear of beans, a helping of beef, and liberal amounts of salsa con queso. You can use regular shredded cheese if you'd like to cut the heat down a bit. Caution: this will make me think less of you.

Add in any other toppings you like. I like tomatoes and sour cream, but feel free to go hog wild. Here's another tip: anytime you want to add diced tomatoes to something (especially burritos), use cherry tomatoes and halve them instead. It cuts down on the liquid inherent with diced tomatoes (which makes for soggy burritos) and you don't lost any flavor to the cutting board. It also takes 1/8th the time.

Fold, toss on some tortilla chips, serve, and enjoy.


  1. Mmmm, I saw this and I immediately began planning on giving this recipe a try- then I realized that finding canned chipotle peppers in adobo sauce might be pretty difficult in France. Hmmm, I wonder if it's feasible to make homemade adobo sauce...

  2. You could always find a can online. I don't know about making your own... I've never seen a recipe for it.
